Mindful Living

On Being and Becoming ~

We utilize mindfulness as a core aspect of the therapy you will experience at Maitri Counseling.  

It is natural to have an emotional reaction to stress and/or physical pain. Often this reaction takes the form of worry, anticipation, anger, hopelessness, helplessness or even panic. The stress and tension from such negative reactions can lead to increased physical pain symptoms and even inflammation. This reaction also lessens our ability to make clear decisions which may have a negative impact on relationships, work, and other things we care about. The resulting problems in our lives tend to produce even more stress and the cycle continues.   Living mindfully can transform our daily living, naturally helping us get free from the pain cycle.

Why Mindfulness Works Mindful living begins with learning to focus our attention on the present moment, using the physical senses of our bodies, purposely and without judgment. This training teaches us to approach our personal experiences, especially distressing experiences, with a gentleness and open-mindedness which encourages curiosity and a suspension of harsh self-critical judgment. Cultivating this kind of personal awareness invites a more relaxed, insightful attitude even towards our most distressing thoughts and feelings. Such freedom from old patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving creates a powerful opportunity to make more empowering choices.

Alleviating Stress Although we often have little control over the causes of stress in our lives, we can cultivate a different attitude towards these events; that is, we can develop a brand new way about how we relate to our suffering. We can learn to replace old habitual patterns with more creative, productive responses which support rather than undermine us.  Mindfulness has the potential to:

•  Teach you surprisingly simple methods to address your fears, urges and judgments
•  Free yourself from old patterns that get in the way of your happiness
•  Change your attitude about difficult and stressful moments in your life
•  Help you re-discover how to be in the present moment

More Information Hundreds of studies in mindfulness-based stress reduction have shown outstanding results for depression, anxiety, pain and chronic illness.  We highly encourage you to do your own research on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and any other mindfulness based techniques.  We give you a head-start with the two videos bellow: 

The first video is a teaching from one of the best known and most respected Zen masters in the world today; poet, and peace and human rights activist Thich Nhat Hanh.  Here you can experience a glimpse of what Mindfulness Is ~

In the second video Bill Moyers explores the fascinating, complex, powerful connection between mind and body in human health.  In “Healing And The Mind,” Bill Moyers talks with physicians, scientists, therapists and patients—people who are taking a new look at the meaning of sickness and health. He discusses their search for answers to perplexing questions like "How do emotions translate into chemicals in our bodies? How do thoughts and feelings influence health? How can we collaborate with our bodies to encourage healing?"  ~ 

"Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you; when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence." ~ Unknown 

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10:00 am-3:00 pm


10:00 am-3:00 pm


10:00 am-3:00 pm


